Monthly Archives: February 2021

Capturing the drama at the boat house

The secret to success in social media is great content; stories which engage and grab the attention.   But you need to be able to spot the angle and drive the narrative in what may, to you, seem ‘all in a day’s work.’  That’s where we come in. We joined the team at Beacon Park…

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Catchy, eye-grabbing animations

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and these pictures, augmented by a little animation from As You See It Media, tell the story of how Propel Finance have been looking after their customers during the lockdown.  Click on the image below to see the video.

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Telling the story of Our-Food

I am very excited to see Our-Food making such strides in encouraging sustainable food production in and around the Brecon Beacons. I have provided most of the copy, stills and video for their website and they are holding a webinar next week to give information to young people thinking about getting into farming. The Pandemic…

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Videos to make you smile!

We pride ourselves on putting people at ease in front of the camera, as this fab short video by our Content Creator, Will Kearse demonstrates. Filming can be fun, or even funny, and relaxed contributors come across best.  With decades in television production behind us, we can make video production easy for you.    

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